Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs Quotes

[first lines]Jeffrey Smith: Genetic engineering is a process where scientists take genes from one species an *force* it into the DNA of other species.

Movie: Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs
Jeffrey Smith: Monsanto is the company that told us that PCBs were safe. They told us that Agent Orange was safe. They told us that DDT was safe. And now *they are in charge of telling us if their *own* genetically modified foods are safe.

Movie: Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs
Jeffrey Smith: Why did the FDA abdicate their responsibility to protect us? The White House had *instructed* the FDA to promote biotchnology under the first Bush-administration. And so the FDA created a new position for Michael Taylor, Monsanto's former attorney. So Michael Taylor was in charge of policy at the FDA when this GMO-policy was created, and then he became Monsanto's vice president. And under the Obama administration he was put back into the FDA as the US food safety 'tsar'.

Movie: Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs
Joel Bakan - Film Director, 'The Corporation': What you can do with GMOs is basically to engineer food in ways that make it more profitable from the company's perspective. But from the company's perspective, whatever negative aspects might exist are simply irrelevant; and more than just irrelevant, 'cause the company is motivated to suppress knowledge about these negative aspects and to suppress government attempts to regulate those negative aspects.

Movie: Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs
Rima Laibow: 95 of all the genetic modifications are done in order to allow the plants to survive more chemicals being sprayed on them, and to allow the animals to survive more drugs being put into them.

Movie: Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs
Michael Antoniou: The use of GM in agriculture is a risk that is simply not worth taking.

Movie: Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs
Jeffrey Smith: So we have a situation where the evidence is there, but it's not being paid attention to, because it's being drowned out by the biotech-industry with their tobacco-type science, and their distortion and denial of the facts.

Movie: Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs
Ralph Nader: Unfortunately, Monsanto with their lobbying power and their financial clout can use corrupted corporate science - something that I call 'cigarette-science' - to get these products slipped into our food supply.

Movie: Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs
Percy Schmeiser: Monsanto is the only company that I know of that doesn't want you to know if you're buying something that has their technology inside.

Movie: Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs
Jeffrey Smith: With corn, there is a gene that's normally switched of; but it's switched on accidentally in Monsanto's corn, and that gene produces a known allergen. There is also more herbicides used on these genetically modified herbicide-tolerant crops like 'roundup-ready' soy, and the excessive herbicides might promote allergic reactions.

Movie: Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs
David Murphy: Peer-reviewed studies showed that there is association between heavy GMO consumption and serious health problems, including asthma and allergies.

Movie: Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs
Dennis Kucinich: [addressing the U. S. House]The FDA has received over a million comments from citizens *demanding* labeling of GMOs. 90 of Americans agree. So why no labeling? I'll give you the reason: the influence and the corruption of the political process by Monsanto.

Movie: Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs
Dennis Kucinich: [addressing the U. S. House]Americans have a *right* to know if their food is genetically engineered. It's time for labeling. It's time for people to *know* how their food is being produced.

Movie: Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs
Jeffrey Smith: Thousands of doctors are now prescribing non-GMO diets to every patient. In fact the American Academy of Environmental Medicine *urges* all doctors to do so, after they've evaluated the feeding studies.

Movie: Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs
[last lines]Ronnie Cummins: For 10,000 years humans grew crops *without chemicals*. Now it's time we get mandatory labeling. It's time we cut down the biotech-bullies to size. And then now let's have this discussion again, about chemical agriculture versus organic or traditional agriculture. The overwhelming majority of the public want us to produce food and to raise animals in the *natural*, healthy, humane way, in a way that doesn't destroy the environment, public health, and the climate. And to get to that point, what's required is - as I often put it - the food fight of our lives.

Movie: Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs
Daniel Ravicher: When you ask Monsanto whether genetically modified seed is natural, they have two answers: Yes and No. It depends on which side of Washington, D.C. they're talking. If they're at the FDA or the USDA, they say GM seed is absolutely no different from natural food, doesn't need to be tested, doesn't need to be labeled, the public doesn't need to know, because there's no difference. When they're at the other side of Washington, D.C., at the patent office, and the patent office is saying, You don't deserve a patent, because your seed is no different from natural food, they say, Oh no, it's not; it's completely different; we've invented something brand-new. It's radically different and it's so inventive that we deserve not just one patent, we deserve entire portfolios and dozens and dozens of patents!

Movie: Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs
Shiv Chopra: The U.S. was the only country in the world - and still is - that allowed genetically modified organisms - or any organisms - to be patented.

Movie: Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs
David Murphy: American people are becoming more aware and waking up to the fact that their government has been corrupted by corporations and the food they're feeding themselves has possible serious health effects.

Movie: Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs
Ronnie Cummins: In the EU, where labeling is required, there is almost no genetically engineered food on the store-shelves and in restaurants, and there is almost none of it planted.

Movie: Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs
David Murphy: Today more than 50 countries around the world allow labeling of genetically engineered foods. [a list of 39 COUNTRIES WITH ENFORCED LABELING POLICIES is shown]

Movie: Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs