Saturday Night Live Quote

Ron Nessen: Mr. President, you're signing your hand.
Gerald Ford: Come on in and sit down, Ron.
[Nessen gets up from his chair, walks out the door, shuts it, reopens it, walks back in and sits in the same chair]
Gerald Ford: Now what's this about a press conference, Ron?
Ron Nessen: You called it, Mr. President.
Gerald Ford: Called it what?
Ron Nessen: No, you called the press conference, Sir.
Gerald Ford: I see. [Looks over at Liberty] Heel, Liberty. [Looking back at Nessen] Sit down and make yourself comfortable, Ron.
Ron Nessen: I am sitting, Mr. President.
Gerald Ford: Ah! Then you must be comfortable.
Ron Nessen: Yes, Sir. Thank you.
Gerald Ford: I'm pretty comfortable myself.
Ron Nessen: That's good.
Gerald Ford: [Looks around the Oval Office] I just don't see what's so awful about this room, personally.
Ron Nessen: No, Sir, Oval. It's the Oval Office, sir.
Gerald Ford: Ah!
Ron Nessen: Not awful, Oval, round.

TV Show: Saturday Night Live


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