Salute Your Shorts Quote

[the campers realises that Budnick has transformed into the Counselor of Hell, not the free loving counselor who promised to let them run amuck]
Dina Alexander: We have created a monster.
Sponge Harris: Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Aristotle said that.
Ronnie Pinsky: Budnick is a swine. Let's pound him. Pinsky said that.
Bobby Budnick: Quit your yapping, no breaks. [sleeps]
Sponge Harris: We have to find some way to get him him back.
Dina Alexander: Why don't we put meat in his toothpaste?
Ronnie Pinsky: No good. There's no telling when he's going to brush his teeth.
Telly Radford: I still say pounding him is a good idea.
Kevin 'Ug' Lee: [puts bucket down] So you want to get Budnick, huh? Here's how we do it. When he pulls rank, we pull a prank. When he sends us to the Pool, we send him to the Latrine. That the Anawanna way. [Ug and the rest of the campers plot their revenge prank against Budnick]

TV Show: Salute Your Shorts


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