Rising Sun Quotes

Detroit: So Davy, you're about to make a discovery. It's the reason why men fight for it, and they steal for it, commit their lives for it and even kill for it.

Movie: Rising Sun
Jake Barnes: Everyone behaves badly given the proper chance.

Movie: Rising Sun
John Connor: We may come from a fragmented MTV rap video culture, but they do not.

Movie: Rising Sun
John Connor: Is that your theory?
Tom Graham: My theory? My theory is that these guys are known world class perversion freaks.

Movie: Rising Sun
Lady Brett Ashley: Is Zizi on your payroll, Count?
Count Mippipopolous: Not officially. I just allow him to steal from me from time to time.

Movie: Rising Sun
[after blowing up a guy's car with a bazooka]
Jaho: So much for sales resistance.

Movie: Rising Sun