Red vs. Blue Quote

[Sarge and Caboose's negotiation fails and the grunts continue to kill each other]
Sarge: Caboose, I give up...
Caboose: Wait! I can make them listen. I can beat them!
Sarge: Son, What are you talkin' about?
Caboose: O'Malley taught me how to be mean! I just have to (grunting) concentrate, on, bad, things, like milk! No, wait, red... Red Bull!
Sarge: Son, I think you may have lost it. O'Malley is not inside your head anymore! He infected the Doc!
Caboose: No, I can feel him! I just need to get angry and say, mean, things, like Your, brain, is, a mountain, of hatred!
Sarge: I never thought I'd reach the moment in my life when I actually miss Grif...But here it is.
Caboose: Now, I, am, thinking, about... kittens! Guh, kit-tens, cov-ered in spikes! That makes, me, angry!
[Caboose lets out a primal scream as he leaps down among Battle Creek players]
Caboose: Yearh!
[He lands]
Caboose: My name is Michael J. Caboose, and I hate babies!
Red Zealot: It's the beast! The anti-flag, come to live among us and rule us for seven years! The end is nigh! [gets killed by "Evil Caboose"] Dyhurg!
Blue Soldier: [killed] Yikes!
Red Soldier: [killed] Yowzaa!
Red, Blue, Red Soldiers: [they are standing in a row, Caboose mows them dow with sniper rifle] Ow! Wee! Wow!

TV Show: Red vs. Blue


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