Pulling Push Doors Quotes

Mickey: This is Ingrid.
Ingrid: I'm a performance artist.
Mickey: This is Babette.
Babette: I'm a prop.

Movie: Pulling Push Doors
Ingrid: All you have to do is become a magnet for all of creation's beauty and for all that is grotesque. You reflect this to everyone as the music dictates.
Bubblegum Teddybear: Ah.

Movie: Pulling Push Doors
Mickey: I'm Mickey.
Bubblegum Teddybear: I know. I've been waiting for this reel my whole movie.

Movie: Pulling Push Doors
Mickey: I collect astronaut trading cards.
Bubblegum Teddybear: Sounds fulfilling.
Mickey: It's a passion.

Movie: Pulling Push Doors
Bubblegum Teddybear: Do you think Babette is prettier than me?
Mickey: Oh yeah. She's much, much prettier than you.

Movie: Pulling Push Doors
Bubblegum Teddybear: He doesn't know I'm alive.

Movie: Pulling Push Doors
Gary: I didn't think I was invited to the party.
Bubblegum Teddybear: What party?
Gary: Isn't there always a party afterwards?
Bubblegum Teddybear: Barely.

Movie: Pulling Push Doors
Bubblegum Teddybear: And I couldn't tell you why, but I remember feeling in this moment like Scarlett O'Hara. Fiddle-dee-dee.

Movie: Pulling Push Doors
Bubblegum Teddybear: You're not beautiful, you're not beautiful, you're not beautiful!

Movie: Pulling Push Doors
Bubblegum Teddybear: It couldn't have been Paris right?

Movie: Pulling Push Doors