Proof Quotes

"Zoë: So let's hear it ladies. Set romances, who's gettin' it off?
Kim: That would be Lee and Toolbox. Zoë: Oh, Toolbox. Name sounds promising.
Abernathy: He's a grip.
Lee: What he is, is a pervert. Zoë: Wow, he just keeps sounding better and better. What's his perversion?
Lee: He likes to watch me pee.
Kim: Lee is sittin' on a toilet and Toolbox is watching her pee, P-I-S-S-I-N-G. Haha! Yeah, but not anymore, now she's getting it on with the rock. Zoë: You're having one off with The Rock?
Lee: Yeah, but not the real Rock. He's this electrician named Bruce, and Kim started calling him The Rock because he looks like The Rock, so we all just started calling him the Rock.
Kim: Oh yeah, this is an all star crew, we got a guy that looks like Nick Cage, and a guy that looks like Pee Wee Herman too. Zoë: Kim, dick department, let's hear it!
Kim: No dick this trip. I got a man. Zoë: How long have you had this boyfriend for?
Kim: Three months. Zoë: Who'd you steal him from?
Abernathy: Kim, he totally had a girlfriend. Zoë: All of Kim's boyfriends start out as someone else's boyfriend.
Kim: I didn't steal him, I didn't steal any of them, they all just... jumped ship.

Movie: Proof
Catherine: It is thirty degrees outside, in the middle of the night. Are you cold?
Robert: Of course, I am freezing my ass off

Movie: Proof
Catherine: She was born in Paris in 1776.
Hal: Then I definitely never met her.

Movie: Proof
Doctor: You've been blind all your life.
Martin: I know.
Doctor: What were you doing driving a car?
Martin: I forgot.

Movie: Proof
Hal: Well, I'm gonna be late. Some friends of mine are in this band. They're playing in a bar on Diversey, way down the bill, they go on about 2 to 2: 30. I said I'd be there.
Catherine: Great.
Hal: They're all in the math deparment, they're really good. They have this song called 'i', you'd like it. Like lower-cased i. They just stand there and don't play anything for three minutes.
Catherine: Imaginary number.
Hal: It's a math joke... You see why they're way down on the bill.
Catherine: That's a long way to drive to see some nerds in a band.
Hal: You know, I hate when people say that. It's not really that long of a drive.
Catherine: So, they are nerds.
Hal: Oh, they're raging geeks. But they're geeks who, you know, can dress themselves and hold down a job at a major university. Some of them have switched from glasses to contacts. They, uh, play sports, they play in a band, they get laid suprisingly often... So, it makes you kinda question the whole set of terms. Geek, nerd, wonk, dilbert, paste eater...
Catherine: You're in this band, aren't you.
Hal: Ok, yes. I play the drums. You wanna come? I never sing, I swear to God.

Movie: Proof
Pam: Hey Warren, is there any way I can get a ride home at this place?
Stuntman Mike: [tosses his keys across the bar] Fair lady, your chariot awaits.

Movie: Proof