Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Son of the Bride of the Return of the Terror Quotes

"Guy#1: Is that your little girl there?
Lady: Yeah, stay away from her. Guy#2: Don't get too attached to her. In about fifteen minutes, she's gonna stab you to death with a gardening tool.
Lady: What kind of tool? Guy#2: Hand-spade. And then she's gonna eat your leg. Gross!

Movie: Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Son of the Bride of the Return of the Terror
Girl: [holding back zombies with a door] This is ridiculous.
Black Guy: [assisting her] Ridiculous? Nah, this ain't ridiculous. This is the perfect scenario for a Tuesday night. What makes you say it's ridiculous? It couldn't be the zombies, could it?

Movie: Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Son of the Bride of the Return of the Terror