Primeval Quote

[After the group narrowly survive an attack from the future predator]
Nick: It was one step ahead of us all the time. It knew what we were going to do before we did it!
Helen: I warned you it was smart!
Nick: It would be more useful if you could tell us how to catch this thing.
Stephen: What we need is some kind of edge, a weakness in its defences that gives us an advantage, otherwise it's just gonna pick us off one-by-one!
Connor: Dogs. The dogs went crazy before it attacked. What would make them go off like that?
Stephen: Can't be smell. If there was a scent trail, they would have followed it.
Nick: Hearing. They heard something.
Connor: Sound. It's using sound.
Nick: That's why it was able to remain one step ahead of us! It can detect physical movement before it's within visual range!
Connor: And the dogs, they detect a higher frequency, therefore they know when it's nearby!
Ryan: Like echolocation?
Nick: High frequency sound waves, it's like a sonar system. Some animals use it to detect prey.
Stephen: Like a bat. Well, you said there was bat blood in the lion enclosure.
Connor: That's it. This thing must be some kind of...I dunno, super-bat.
Helen: He's right. Three quarters of all mammal species are bats or rats; maybe the future belongs to them.

TV Show: Primeval


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