Phil of the Future Quote

Keely: (on the morning announcements) Good morning. Here's today's daily headline munchie. I'm Keely Teslow. The top story: the results are in for the yearbook votes. May I have the envelope, please?
[Phil runs on camera with the envelope and hands it to Keely.]
Keely: In the category of best dressed, the winner is...Donnie Ron Con Commo. Congratulations, Donnie. Best dressed...Archer Slickman. Cutest couple...Keely Teslow and Phil Diffy -- WHAT THE?
[Phil and Keely both have confused and shocked looks on their faces.]

Phil: Unless -- do -- do you wanna be a couple?
Keely: (quickly) No.
Phil: (confirming) No.
Keely: Do you?
Phil: ...Nooooo.
Keely: (shyly) Yes.
Phil: Yes?
Keely: I do.
Phil: Me too!
Keely: Yay! We're a couple!
Phil: Shhh!
Keely: Phil, the whole school just voted us cutest couple. I think they know.

[Phil comes into the family's kitchen, dancing and looking happy]
Phil: Ah! Isn't everything more colorful today?
Barbara: Phil, we've got some great news!
Phil: So do I -- Keely and I are together.
Barbara: Oh, honey, that's so wonderful -- (hugs Phil, pauses) -- in a horribly sad and heart-wrenching way.
Phil: What do you mean?
Pim: (mock excitedly) We're going home, Ace! Still up for that hug?!

Keely: Phil, do you know how many times the "time machine" has been "fixed" by your "dad"?
Phil: Why did you put air quotes around 'dad'?
Keely: Did I? Eh, sloppy finger work.
Phil: I mean, it's for real this time

TV Show: Phil of the Future


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