National Security Quote

[Earl is trying to reach for the keys in his car and Hank is walking up to him]
Hank: Need some help?
Earl: Are you asking me if I need some help or am I stealing this car?
Hank: Are you stealing this car?
Earl: Does it look like I'm stealing this damn car?
Hank: A little bit.
Earl: Why cause I'm black? If you saw a white guy doing this you'd give him a reward.
Hank: Let me see your license.
Earl: I ain't showin' you a damn thing! This is my car and I didn't do anything wrong. You owe me an apology.
Hank: You're in dangerous grounds here bub, I'd be careful what comes out of your mouth next!
Earl: Oh, you want to hear what comes out of my mouth next, your... a... ****ing... pig!

Movie: National Security


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