Mike Hammer Quotes

Captain Pat Chambers: Oh, Mike, Joey was a friend of yours, wasn't he?
Mike Hammer: Yeah...
Captain Pat Chambers: So I guess you'll be rootin' around, gettin' in my way.
Mike Hammer: Look, Pat, I don't figure that you're department's gonna knock themselves out over a poor fallen sparrow like Joey, so I...
Captain Pat Chambers: Joey gets an investigation just like anybody else.
Mike Hammer: Sure he does.
Captain Pat Chambers: You turn up anything, you call me - understand?
Mike Hammer: I can never remember your number.

Movie: Mike Hammer
Lt. Checkers: I sure do wish you could stick around in Chicago a little while. I'd kind of like to watch you operate; maybe I could pick up a pointer or two.
Mike Hammer: Looks like you got all you can do to pick up your feet, Mr. Checkers.

Movie: Mike Hammer
Mike Hammer: Give me the key to her room, Charlie.
Charlie: Say, do you think this is something for the police?
Mike Hammer: Charlie, give me the key to her room.
Charlie: Well, okay. You know the last dame who turned up missing took a brody off the Queensborough Bridge. They found her in the East River - dead.
Mike Hammer: Yeah, well, that'll do it every time, Charlie... that'll do it.

Movie: Mike Hammer
[discussing Helen's ex-husband]
Helen Torrey: What's he done now?
Mike Hammer: Then you do know him.
Helen Torrey: I was married to him - off and on - for about eight years.
Mike Hammer: Well well well. [Helen offers Mike a cigarette]
Mike Hammer: No thanks. Well, do you know where I can find him?
Helen Torrey: Sure - under the nearest rock!

Movie: Mike Hammer
[last lines] [Mike starts to read his mail]
Mike Hammer: Dear Mr. Hammer, you've got to help me. I'm in deep trouble; I'm being held against my will... Oh, no! [Mike tears the letter up into little pieces and peruses the rest of his mail]
Mike Hammer: Bills, bills, bills, bills... [Mike picks up the last envelope, sniffs it, smiles and opens it]
Mike Hammer: Dear Mr. Hammer, my name is Paula Smith. I'm 21 years old and I need your help. I'm desperate. You see, when I... [Mike scans the rest of the page, wide-eyed, then smiles]

Movie: Mike Hammer
[last lines] [Miss Patti is destined for the electric chair]
Mike Hammer: Oh, what a waste.
Miss Patti: You know somethin'?
Mike Hammer: Hmm?
Miss Patti: You smart guys burn me up.
Mike Hammer: Oh no, baby, not us. We just set it up. The warden takes it from there... [the police lead Patti away]
Mike Hammer: What a waste.

Movie: Mike Hammer