Memento Quotes

Leonard Shelby : If we can't make memories, we can't heal.

Movie: Memento
[ first lines ]
Leonard Shelby : [ voiceover ] So where are you? You're in some motel room. You just - you just wake up and you're in - in a motel room. There's the key. It feels like maybe it's just the first time you've been there, but perhaps you've been there for a week, three months. It's - it's kind of hard to say. I don't - I don't know. It's just an anonymous room.

Movie: Memento
Teddy : Hey! Hey, that's not your car!
Leonard Shelby : [ takes a picture of the Jaguar ] It is now.
Teddy : Jesus Chri- you can't take it!
Leonard Shelby : Why not?
Teddy : Because the guy you killed owns it; somebody will recognize it!
Leonard Shelby : Well, I rather be mistaken for a dead guy than a killer.

Movie: Memento
[ wields a crowbar in his hand ]
Leonard Shelby : Strip! [ Jimmy takes off his shirt ]
Leonard Shelby : Take off your pants too.
Jimmy Grantz : Why?
Leonard Shelby : I don't want to get blood on them.

Movie: Memento
Teddy : Finished playing with yourself there, Lenny?

Movie: Memento
[ flashback ]
Leonard Shelby : How can you read that again?
Leonard's Wife : It's good.
Leonard Shelby : Yeah, but you read it like a thousand times.
Leonard's Wife : I enjoy it.
Leonard Shelby : I always thought the pleasure of a book was wanting to know what comes next.
Leonard's Wife : Hey, don't be a prick. I'm not reading it to annoy you, I enjoy it. Just let me read... please. [ smiles at him ]

Movie: Memento
[ repeated line ]
Leonard Shelby : Awake. Where am I?

Movie: Memento
Teddy : Nice shot, Liebowitz.

Movie: Memento
Teddy : When she offers to help, it'll be for her own reasons. I'm not lying. Take my pen, write this down. Do not trust her.

Movie: Memento
Leonard Shelby : I don't want your fucking money.
Jimmy Grantz : Then what? What do you want?
Leonard Shelby : I want my fucking life back!

Movie: Memento
Teddy : But when you killed him I, I was so convinced that you'd remember. But it didn't stick... like nothin' ever sticks, like this won't stick.

Movie: Memento
Teddy : We found him, you killed him!... But you didn't remember.

Movie: Memento
Leonard Shelby : [ while walking through a parking lot, Teddy stops at his dilapidated Chevrolet ] My car.
Teddy : [ laughs ] This is your car.
Leonard Shelby : [ holds up a picture of the Jaguar with the caption My Car ] Oh, you're in a playful mood. It's not good for you to make fun of somebody's handicap.
Teddy : Just trying to have a little fun.

Movie: Memento
Leonard Shelby : [ running ] OK, so what am I doing? [ sees Dodd also running ]
Leonard Shelby : Oh, I'm chasing this guy. [ Dodd shoots at Leonard ]
Leonard Shelby : No... he's chasing me.

Movie: Memento
Leonard Shelby : Natalie, right? [ Holds up photo of a bloody face, labeled "Dodd" ]
Leonard Shelby : Who the fuck is Dodd?
Natalie : [ Looks at photo ] Guess I don't have to worry about him anymore.

Movie: Memento