Losers Take All Quote

[Brian and Dave approach Billy and Lance tripping on mescaline]Brian: Great show guys.
Billy: Yeah right.
Brian: No, I... I'm serious. You guys ever thought about joining a real band?
Dave: What real band?
Brian: Our real band.
Dave: [Realizing Brian's idea]... no... no no no no no, not these guys. They're all heavy metal and shit.
Billy: [Scoffs]Whatever, dude.
Dave: Sorry...
Brian: [to Dave]It's okay. Why don't you just leave the staffing & sonic stylings to me, okay? I can mold these guys into our sound.
Lance: [to Billy]Do they know that we're, like, right in front of them?
Billy: Who the fuck are you guys? We don't even know you!
Brian: Look, this is Dave. He is the best bass player in the whole tri-county universe.
Dave: [Genuinely touched]Thanks... this is Brian. He's out of his goddamn mind.
Brian: Look, I know this is gonna sound crazy, okay? But after you lost... Gandalf on bass, I had a vision of a band that we're all in. It's not metal, it's not really punk and you know what? It doesn't suck.
Lance: [Takes a long drag on his spliff]So are you guys, like... on drugs or something?
Dave: No, we're not.
Billy: You got any more?
Brian: ...yes.

Movie: Losers Take All


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