Kubo and the Two Strings Quotes

Beetle: I have a question. If I'm Beetle and you're Monkey, why isn't he called Boy?

Movie: Kubo and the Two Strings
Kubo: If you must blink, do it now. [he strums the strings and it lights the lanterns on the water]
Kubo: I know why you want my eye. Because without it, I can't look into another and see their soul. Their love...
Moon King: [as the Moon Beast]Everything you loved is GONE! Everything you knew has been TAKEN from you!
Kubo: No... it's in the memories. The most powerful kind of magic there is. [he strums the strings again and summons the spirits from the lanterns, much to the Moon Beast's anger]
Kubo: It makes us stronger than you'll ever be. These are the memories of those we've have loved and lost. And if we hold their stories, deep in our hearts... then you will never take them away from us.

Movie: Kubo and the Two Strings
Beetle: Stealth is my middle name.
Monkey: You don't even have a first name.

Movie: Kubo and the Two Strings
Monkey: Your magic is growing stronger. You need to learn control. But when we grow stronger the world grows more dangerous.

Movie: Kubo and the Two Strings
Kubo: Don't you ever say anything encouraging?
Monkey: I encourage you not to die.
Kubo: [Mockingly]I encourage you not to die.

Movie: Kubo and the Two Strings
Monkey: He looked into my eyes and uttered four simple words. These words changed everything... You are my quest.

Movie: Kubo and the Two Strings
Moon King: You want to be human? Then share their weakness. Suffer their humiliation. Feel their pain!

Movie: Kubo and the Two Strings
[first lines] Kubo: [narrating]If you must blink, do it now. Pay careful attention to everything you see and hear, no matter how unusual it may seem. And please be warned: If you fidget, if you look away, if you forget any part of what I tell you - even for an instant - then our hero will surely perish. [baby crying]
Kubo: His name is Kubo. His grandfather stole something from him. And that really is the least of it.

Movie: Kubo and the Two Strings
Kubo: Why does grandfather hate me?
Monkey: Oh, Kubo. He doesn't hate you. He wants to make you just like him. Blind to humanity as I once was. Only then can you take your place beside him as part of his family. Cold and hard and perfect.

Movie: Kubo and the Two Strings
[last lines] Kubo: [kneeling before two lanterns]Hello, mother. Father. I know my stories can tend to get a little... Mm, long... So I'll keep this brief. I'm very grateful I've had the chance to meet you both, hear your wisdom, feel your kindness, even eat a meal sitting between you. This was a happy story. But, it could still be a whole lot happier. I don't know exactly what the rules are, or how this works, but if there were any, way to... You know... I still need you. So I could say this has been a happy story, or I could feel it... We could all feel it. And then we could end this story - together.
Kubo: [now as a memory, standing with his parents]The end.

Movie: Kubo and the Two Strings
Monkey: [to Kubo]Don't mess with the Monkey!

Movie: Kubo and the Two Strings
Beetle: I'm either a samurai or a really bad hoarder. Either way, inside my thorax beats the heart of a warrior.

Movie: Kubo and the Two Strings
Monkey: [regarding Hanzo]In recognizing his compassion, I recognized my own.

Movie: Kubo and the Two Strings
Monkey: You have questions, I can tell.
Kubo: Who...
Monkey: You get three.
Kubo: I think I have more.
Monkey: Three. But first you're gonna eat.
Kubo: Why only three?
Monkey: Okay, that was your first question.
Kubo: What?

Movie: Kubo and the Two Strings
Beetle: The mighty Beetle is victorious!

Movie: Kubo and the Two Strings
Grandfather: Everything you loved is gone! Everything you knew has been taken from you?
Kubo: No! It's in my memories! The most powerful kind of magic there is! It makes us stronger than you'll ever be. These are the memories of those we have loved and lost. And if we hold their stories deep in our hearts, then you will never take them away from us. And that really is the least of it...

Movie: Kubo and the Two Strings
The Sisters: Kubo, we've been waiting for you for so long.

Movie: Kubo and the Two Strings
Beetle: I have a feeling this is my destiny.
Monkey: No, it isn't! We can't trust anything you say, because *you* can't trust anything you say.

Movie: Kubo and the Two Strings
Kubo: [of Beetle]Monkey! I think he's in trouble! We should help him!
Monkey: Kubo, your aunts are still out there! I'm sorry, but we have to head for shore! [Kubo jumps in the water, leaving monkey distraught]
Monkey: Kubo! [runs across the leafy galleon and jumps off to dive in for Kubo, but a mechanical hand attached to a chain grabs her by the leg and pulls her back onto the deck. She looks up above her as one of the sisters gently floats down towards the boat holding the chain in her hand]
The Sisters: Oh, how precious. I come here to fish, and all I reel in is a wretched ape. it is a shame that this filthy creature is all that's left of my sister's magic.
Monkey: This filthy creature will tear you APART! [runs to the sister with a sword in her hands, jumps up and strikes at the sister who blocks the attack with a sword of her own]

Movie: Kubo and the Two Strings