Juliet, Naked Quotes

[first lines] Duncan Thomson: Hello! Welcome to 'Can You Hear Me?', your source for all things Tucker Crowe. If you're here, you're probably already a fan of Tucker's music. But if you're merely 'Crowe-curious', or you clicked on the link by accident, allow me to introduce you to one of the most seminal, and yet unsung, figures of alternative rock.

Movie: Juliet, Naked
Annie Platt: It's weird to be writing this to a complete stranger I'll never meet. If we did meet, would you see what everybody else sees? I may look like a nice, well-adjusted English lady in a sensible cardigan, but these days it's a thin veneer, and it's started to crack.

Movie: Juliet, Naked
Duncan Thomson: Every aspect of civilisation is going to the dogs, with the notable exception of TV.

Movie: Juliet, Naked
Tucker Crowe: Parenting! Sometimes I think I could use a manual.
Lizzie: Or tips such as, Always tell your kids they have siblings.

Movie: Juliet, Naked
Duncan Thomson: Do you think there's any way back for me? Because right now I think that's how I'm leaning.

Movie: Juliet, Naked
Annie Platt: I met someone on the internet.
Ros Platt: I love it, the internet! God, you're finally entering the modern age. Which site was it? One for clever people, no doubt. Hornyhistorians.com?

Movie: Juliet, Naked
Duncan Thomson: I'm Stevie fuckin' Wonder. Who do you want to be? Eartha fuckin' Kitt?

Movie: Juliet, Naked
Duncan Thomson: Art isn't *for* the artist, no more than water is for the bloody plumber.

Movie: Juliet, Naked
Mayor Terry Barton: Have I heard of you? Tucker what?
Ros Platt: It's Tucker Crowe.
Mayor Terry Barton: Tucker Crowe!
Annie Platt: Oh, you have heard of him?
Mayor Terry Barton: No, never.

Movie: Juliet, Naked
Edna: It was George, mmm, he was a fast worker. He wanted a bit of fun. I wish I did too, but I fought him off. I thought, Edna, you can never go wrong not doing something. It's the things that you do that get you into trouble. Here I am 84 years old and I've never been in trouble in my whole bloody life. Goddammit!

Movie: Juliet, Naked
[last lines] Duncan Thomson: You may ask, as I did, what caused Tucker to produce this cloying, bloodless, catastrophe? Well, reportedly, Tucker has found love. And I am here to tell you, my friends: It doesn't suit him.

Movie: Juliet, Naked