Iron Man Quotes

King Louis XIV: There is more of me to love than a crown.

Movie: Iron Man
D'Artagnan: Anne, I know that to love you is a treason against France, but not to love you is a treason against my heart.

Queen Anne: Then we will both die traitors, D'Artagnan.

Movie: Iron Man
Aramis: Sometimes there are more important things in life than a good pair of tits.

Porthos: Really? If you can name me one thing that is more sublime than the feel of a plump, pink nipple between my lips, I'll build you a new cathedral.

Aramis: Forgiveness...

Porthos: Forgiveness...?
[Porthos farts]

Porthos: There... i am i forgiven? Come on... am i forgiven?
[play fight ensures between them]

Movie: Iron Man
King Louis XIV: Never underestimate the Dutch!

Movie: Iron Man
King Louis XIV: I may be a young king, but I am king!

Movie: Iron Man
Christine: I shall burn in Hell. So will you.

King Louis XIV: No, no my love. You shall burn in hell. But not. For I am King... ordained by God!

Movie: Iron Man
Aramis: I'm a genius, not an engineer.

Movie: Iron Man
Athos: What is Porthos doing?

Aramis: Walking into the barn naked, or so it would seem.

Movie: Iron Man
Aramis: Athos, if we fail in this - and we probably will - it will be an honor to die beside you.

Movie: Iron Man
Porthos: [a naked Porthos has tried to hang himself but failed] Aramis! You sawed the beam! You knew I would I try to hang myself and you sawed the beam! Admit it. Admit it!

Aramis: Of course I knew! And now that you've got the idea of killing yourself out of your head you can stop boring everyone and be useful for a change. And put some clothes on!

Movie: Iron Man
Aramis: Porthos... don't you understand? I'm trying to PRAY!

Porthos: You're always praying!

Movie: Iron Man
Porthos: Stop praying and revel with me, Aramis! I need my spirits lifted. I'm old, I'm weak, my strength is gone.

Aramis: Porthos! I'm praying.

Porthos: I just said you're praying. Are you deaf, too? I know you're blind, because if you'd seen the tits that just walked out of here, you'd have tears in your eyes.

Movie: Iron Man
Athos: Is that just because you are holier than everybody else?

Aramis: Well, there is that, but also because I'm more intelegent than everybody else.

Movie: Iron Man
Virginia 'Pepper' Potts: Obadiah, he-he's gone insane!

Iron Man: I know!

Virginia 'Pepper' Potts: He-he built a suit!

Iron Man: Listen, you'd better get out of there! Just get out-!
[Iron Monger breaks up through the ground]

Iron Monger: Where do you think you're going?

Movie: Iron Man
Iron Man: Stilt-Man, looks like you don't have a leg to stand on!

Movie: Iron Man
Hawkeye: You're crazy!

Iron Man: Crazy? That's entirely possible.

Movie: Iron Man
Hawkeye: You're crazy!

Iron Man: Crazy? That's entirely possible.

Movie: Iron Man
Agent Phil Coulson: This isn't my first rodeo, Mr. Stark.

Movie: Iron Man
[repeated line]

Virginia 'Pepper' Potts: Will that be all, Mr. Stark?

Tony Stark: Yes, that will be all, Miss. Potts.

Movie: Iron Man
Jarvis: Perhaps, if you intend to visit other planets, we should improve the exosystems.

Tony Stark: Connect to the sys. co. Have it reconfigure the shell metals. Use the gold titanium alloy from the seraphim tactical satellite. That should ensure a fuselage integrity while while maintaining power-to-weight ratio. Got it?

Movie: Iron Man
Tony Stark: [Dummy, the robotic arm, has made a mess at the kitchen sink] You! I swear to God, I'll dismantle you! I'll soak your motherboard, turn you into a wine rack!
[Dummy looks down guiltily]

Movie: Iron Man
Tony Stark: I don't care about the liberal agenda any more, it's boring.

Movie: Iron Man
Tony Stark: You know, the question I get asked most often is, "Tony, how do you go to the bathroom in the suit?"
[pauses with eyes closed]

Tony Stark: Just like that.

Movie: Iron Man
Tony Stark: Trust me, I know. I'm good at this stuff. I've been looking for a suitable replacement for palladium. I've tried every combination, every permutation of every known element.

Nick Fury: Well, I'm here to tell you, you haven't tried them all.

Movie: Iron Man
Virginia 'Pepper' Potts: Tony, what's happened to you?

Tony Stark: Pepper, listen. I never should've made it out of that cave. Now, I know what I have to do.

Virginia 'Pepper' Potts: I don't understand.

Tony Stark: My life's work, everything I built! Countless lives RUINED by my inventions! I HAVE TO DESTROY THEM!

Virginia 'Pepper' Potts: You can't do this alone! It's too much!

Tony Stark: I don't have a choice. Make sure Obie does what I told him. He'll need convincing. Look, I-I have to go on a... business trip.

Virginia 'Pepper' Potts: What trip? There's nothing on your calendar.

Tony Stark: Just came up.

Movie: Iron Man
Phillippe: Put this man away where no one will hear his insanity. Let him be fed by a deaf-mute but feed him well.

Movie: Iron Man
King Louis XIV: I hear there was an incident at the Musketeers' gate, where a man came intent on killing me. Is it our policy now to let would-be assassins go free, d'Artagnan?

D'Artagnan: He wished to kill his own pain. His son is dead. I can think of nothing worse.

King Louis XIV: What about losing your king?

D'Artagnan: That depends on the king.

Movie: Iron Man
[last lines]

Princess Maria Theresa: He was a brave man. France will always need brave men.

Philippe: And brave women to remind them of their duty. God save France!

Movie: Iron Man
Aramis: You grow fond of him. That is good.

Movie: Iron Man
D'Artagnan: Your people are most anxious to love you, but they are eating rotten food and sometimes none at all.

Movie: Iron Man