Independence Day: Resurgence Quotes

David Levinson: They like to get the landmarks.

Movie: Independence Day: Resurgence
President Whitmore: [archive footage shown on TV, of President Whitmore's speech during the previous alien invasion]Today, you will once again be fighting for our freedom... Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution... but from annihilation. And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice: We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our...

Movie: Independence Day: Resurgence
President Whitmore: We convinced an entire generation, that this is a battle that we could win. We sacrifice for each other no matter what the cost. And that's worth fighting for.

Movie: Independence Day: Resurgence
David Levinson: That's... definitely bigger than the last one.

Movie: Independence Day: Resurgence
President Whitmore: On behalf the people of Earth, happy Fourth of July. [shoots the Queen]

Movie: Independence Day: Resurgence
Patricia Whitmore: [Referring to interred aliens]Why are they screaming?
Dr. Brakish Okun: They're not screaming. They're celebrating.

Movie: Independence Day: Resurgence
[last lines] Dr. Brakish Okun: Time to kick some serious alien ass.

Movie: Independence Day: Resurgence
Dr. Catherine Marceaux: [to David Levinson]We've found something out here, something only you might understand.

Movie: Independence Day: Resurgence
David Levinson: I've had years to get us ready. We never had a chance.
President Whitmore: We didn't last time, either.

Movie: Independence Day: Resurgence
David Levinson: What goes up must come down.

Movie: Independence Day: Resurgence
Dylan Hiller: It's the Fourth of July, let's show 'em some fireworks.

Movie: Independence Day: Resurgence
Jake Morrison: He's meeting the President and I'm stuck on the moon.

Movie: Independence Day: Resurgence
Jake Morrison: Sir, I lost my focus. It won't happen again.
Commander Jiang: No, it won't. You're grounded until further notice.
Jake Morrison: Can I still watch TV, or...

Movie: Independence Day: Resurgence
Jake Morrison: Pee your pants?
David Levinson: Uh, yeah.
Jake Morrison: Yeah, me too.

Movie: Independence Day: Resurgence
President Lanford: [rehearsing her speech]The countless lives that we lost in the war of '96 did not perish in vain. They inspired us to rise from the ashes as one people of one world. For 20 years the world has seen no armed conflict. Nations have put their petty differences aside. United, we rebuild our families, our cities, and our lives. The fusion of human and alien technology not only enable us to defy gravity and travel with unimaginable speed, it also made our planet finally safe again.

Movie: Independence Day: Resurgence