House Quote

House [to Cuddy]: You're freaking out because of one ultrasound performed by an incompetent Bonobo monkey.
Cuddy: As demonstrated by my sitting here calmly going about my business.
House: [in a shrill tone] Calling a lawyer, drafting a will! [Cuddy gives him a look.] Okay. I-I… hacked into your online schedule. Look, tests always show something. A mass in your kidney could be a complex cyst. It could be benign.
Cuddy: I'm a single mom. I need to set up a trust, appoint a guardian. It's silly that I haven't done it before now.
House: But you're doing it now because you think you're sick. The freaking out can at least wait until after the biopsy this afternoon.
Cuddy: The biopsy's not till tomorrow. It's the first opening in the schedule.
House: For the Dean of Medicine, the first opening in the schedule is… Oh, look! Now. [turns his arm as if he were showing her a watch even though he isn’t wearing one.]
Cuddy: My worry isn't any more important than anyone else's.
House: Actually, it is.
Cuddy: But I'm not sick, right?
House: [quietly] Good point. [He leaves.]

TV Show: House


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