- Everything Else, Volume 1 (V) Quotes

[Strong Sad continues to try and solve the mystery of some DNA evidence and interviews various people about it]
Strong Bad: Yeah, I bought the DNA snowcone.
Strong Sad: You knew it had the DNA evidence in it?
Strong Bad: Well, yeah. I overheard that Marzipan had some DNA evidence, and I figured I could use it to continue my genetic experiments on The Cheat. So I sprung into action. [Strong Bad is seen inside Bubs' Concession Stand and punctures a green apple flavor container, causing it spill out. Then he walks up to the stand like everyone else]
Strong Bad: Bubskeep, one green app' snowc', on the rocks. And keep it rusty. [return to the interrogation]
Strong Bad: By the time I got home, it was all melted, so I put it in a glass on my desk and went downstairs to do one of my high-impact toga-yoga videos. And that was the last I saw of it.
Strong Sad: [thoughtfully] You left it on your desk, eh?

Movie: - Everything Else, Volume 1 (V)
[Strong Bad's office computer is smoking and The Cheat comes over to investigate]
The Cheat: [interrogative The Cheat noises]
Strong Bad: I didn't *do* anything! I just turned it on, tried to check my email, and then it started smoking and shaking it like it was Friday night!
The Cheat: [more interrogative The Cheat noises]
Strong Bad: Back up my files? Are you kidding? Is that a real thing you have to do? I always thought that that was just like, you know, a figure of speech.
The Cheat: [incredulous The Cheat noises]
Strong Bad: I dunno, like "Wake up and smell the coffee," or "See ya later, alligator!"
The Cheat: [angry The Cheat noises; walks off]
Strong Bad: Oh, great. So my computer's dead. This almost never happens to me!

Movie: - Everything Else, Volume 1 (V)