Home Movies Quote

Jason: Naturally, our director is extremely busy. I'm sure-
Melissa: [on a telephone] I don't think he's coming.
Jason: Scurrying around the city finding new locations.
Melissa: [on a telephone] He's not coming!
Jason: Melissa, please.
Melissa: [hangs up the telephone] Our stupid director isn't coming.
Jason: Melissa, you're blowing the deal.
Melissa: Why me? It's stupid Brendon.
Jason: All right, I agree, he's stupid! You know something, this is stupid! [knocks a calculator off the table]
Melissa: Jason, you're blowing the deal!
Jason: No, I'm not, it's Brendon, Melissa!
Melissa: You're the one who dropped the baby.
Jason: So, it's a fat baby! How was I suppose to hold it? You try picking it up, Melissa!
Melissa: I'm not picking up fat babies, Jason.
Jason: What's the matter, Melissa, chicken to pick up a fat baby?! There it is, pick him up!
Melissa: That's it, I'm leaving!
Jason: Good-bye! [Melissa leaves, to investors.] I am so sorry for what you just witnessed. But I'd like to talk to you two about back end points.

TV Show: Home Movies


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