Home Movies Quote

Paula: No, really, I didn't mean to laugh. It's just, I mean, 11 years younger than you, my god. Hey, why don't I have the both of you over for dinner?
Andrew: What?
Paula: You and Lydia, an engagement dinner. Can she stay out late?
Andrew: It's Linda and you know it.
Paula: It'll be fun, I'll make you a...I don't know, I'll make you a something.
Andrew: I don't want you to go through any trouble.
Paula: How's Thursday night?
Andrew: I don't know, I gotta check with Linda.
Paula: So it's settled. We'll see you and the little misses on Thursday night.
Andrew: Okay, okay. Shall we bring anything?
Paula: Just yourselves. And maybe a note from her parents if she's going to be out late.

TV Show: Home Movies


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