Hogan's Heroes Quote

Schultz: My Herr Ex-Kommandant!
Klink: What is it, Schultz?
Schultz: I have good news and bad news.
Hogan: Give him the good news first, Schultz.
Schultz: They ordered you to be shot first thing in the morning.
Klink: That's good news?! What's the bad news?!
Schultz: They're not giving you a blindfold.
Hogan: It's hard to believe, even for the Gestapo.
Schultz: They're asking for volunteers for the firing squad.
Klink: Ha! They'll never get any volunteers from my men!
Schultz: I beg to report Herr Kommandant, they did.
Klink: How many volunteered?
Schultz: Seventy-six.
Hogan: How many men do you have?
Schultz: Eighty-two.
Klink: At least six of my men are loyal.
Schultz: No Herr Komandant. Two are in the hospital and four are on furlough.
Hogan: Well that makes it unanimous.
Klink: Wait a minute! Wait a minute! We only have EIGHTY men!
Schultz: Not counting the two deserters. But they came back this morning when they heard you were going to be shot.

TV Show: Hogan's Heroes


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