Hell's Kitchen Quote

Gordon: Carol! Taste that rice, it's like mush! Show me the rice.
Carol: Right here, Chef.
Gordon: Oh my god! It's overcooked! It's like mush! Who cooked this rice?
[flashback to when J cooked the rice for both teams, pouring two boxes into one pan.]
Andrea: The blue team.
Gordon: The blue team? What? [goes over to the blue kitchen] Come here you, all of you! Who cooked this rice?
J: I did, chef.
Gordon: Look at it, J! How can you do that, J? [hurls the rice in the trash] J! For both teams?
J: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Ohh, (bleep) hell! Oh, come on! You can't do this!
Lacey: (interview) The risotto was mushy, clumpy and nasty, and it definitely wasn't a good way to start the evening.
Gordon: It's mush! Did you cook it all in the same pan?
J: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Oh, (bleep) me! Come on, (bleep) off J!
J: I'll get a pot on, chef. (interview) That pissed off Chef Ramsay, and I really didn't need that, 'cause he's been riding me hard the past couple of days.
Gordon: Jean-Phillipe, stop the risotto, yeah? J! I can't believe you just screwed the service. In both kitchens!
Robert: (interview) J, you're my friend and I like you a lot, but today you (bleep) suck, man.

TV Show: Hell's Kitchen


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