Hell's Kitchen Quote

Gordon: And whose dish is that?
Vinnie: It's mine chef.
Gordon: What is the dish?
Vinnie: It is cheruzo encrusted pink snapper.
Gordon: Where in the (bleep)'s the snapper?
Vinnie: It's underneath.
Gordon: That's the snapper there?
Vinnie: Yes sir.
Gordon: Okay. (tastes) God, (bleep). Do you think you can really seriously eat that without burning your mouth? What a disapointment.
Vinnie: I don't think so.
Gordon: Now you want to (bleep) argue. Back in line.
Vinnie: Yes chef. (interview) I think he looked at me and said "This guy's really confident." and I think I intimidated him.
Gordon: What a (bleep) jerk.

TV Show: Hell's Kitchen


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