Happy Campers Quotes

Pixel: Most stories with a bunch of camp counselors have some serial psycho who systematically butchers everyone one by one.
Wendy: Yeah. And?
Pixel: I don't know, it's kind of funny. I mean who needs a serial psycho with a chainsaw when we have ourselves?

Movie: Happy Campers
Donald: Life sucks - in a good way. Falling in love, falling in hate, getting laid, getting hurt - what's one without the other? When it comes to the ritual of growing up, sometimes you smile because you're happy. Other times, you smile just because you've survived. But hey, a smile is a smile.

Movie: Happy Campers
Little boy: I got stung by a bee.
Wendy: That's terrible, I know how you feel.
Little boy: No you don't.
Wendy: He's right I have absolutely no idea what it feels like.

Movie: Happy Campers
Wendy: Don't you get it? We're responsible for our own evolution! We can affect change! The work booklet says...
Wichita: Hush. Nobody changes at summer camp. They merely find out who they are and become it more. Oh, we can't be friends if we disagree?
Wendy: Idunno.
Wichita: That word of yours is really starting to piss me of. Idunno. What do you know?
Wendy: I know that I can't go another summer where I almost did something or almost met a boy. What do you know, smarty-pants?

Movie: Happy Campers
Wendy: Soon, we'll be adults and all we'll talk about is groceries.

Movie: Happy Campers