Grosse Pointe Quotes

[Martin & Grocer have just killed the 2 government agents, then turn their guns on each other to discover they're all empty]
Mr. Grocer: Look at that: OUT! Workers of the world, UNITE! [Grocer pulls a fresh pistol as he hears Martin releasing the slide on his empty pistol]
Mr. Grocer: So, what are you gonna do? You gonna THROW that gun at me?
Marty: No... Maybe!
Mr. Grocer: How 'bout this? How 'bout I sell you a piece for a hundred Gs?
Marty: OK! Front me?
Mr. Grocer: Deal!

Movie: Grosse Pointe
Marty: I was sitting there alone on prom night, in a goddamn rented tuxedo, and my whole life flashed before my eyes. And I realized finally, and for the first time, that I wanted to kill somebody. So I figured since I loved you so much, it'd be a good idea if I didn't see you anymore. [We hear a car pulling in]
Marty: They're right behind us. So I was in the Gulf last year, I was doing this thing anyway. And I came up over this dune, and I saw the ocean... and it was on fire. The whole thing, on fire, and it was beautiful. So I just sat there and watched it, and that's when I realized there might be a meaning to life, you know, like an organic power that connects all living things, God, Yahweh, I dunno. [Marty shoots two rounds through the door, taking out the thug behind it]

Movie: Grosse Pointe
Martin Q. Blank: [Leaving a message on Dr. Oatman's machine] Dr. Oatman, please pick up, pick up! It's Martin Blank! I, I'm standing where my, uh, living room was and it's not here because my house is gone and it's an Ultimart! You can never go home again, Oatman... but I guess you can shop there.

Movie: Grosse Pointe
Mr. Grocer: [Martin and Grocer have just killed Agents Lardner and McCullers] Workers of the world, UNITE! [point their empty guns at each other]
Mr. Grocer: Look at that: Empty!
Mr. Grocer: [Grocer pulls a fresh pistol as he hears Martin releasing the slide on his empty pistol] Solidarity baby! You out?
Marty: Yeah.
Mr. Grocer: So, what are you gonna do? You gonna THROW that gun at me?
Marty: No.
Mr. Grocer: How 'bout this? How 'bout I sell you a piece for a hundred Gs?
Marty: OK! Front me? [grabs TV]
Mr. Grocer: Deal! [throws the gun out, waiting to off Martin]
Marty: Popcorn! [slams TV on Grocer's head, killing him]

Movie: Grosse Pointe
[to Debi's father, while fleeing from Grocer]
Marty: I was hired to kill you. But I'm not going to do it. It's either because I'm in love with your daughter or I have a newfound respect for life. [in pursuing car]
Mr. Grocer: That punk is either in love with that guy's daughter or he has a newfound respect for life.

Movie: Grosse Pointe