Grand Prix Quotes

Izo Yamura: Why do you drive racing cars, or do you not think about it?
Pete Aron: Oh, Mr. Yamura, I don't think there's one of us who doesn't ask himself at least once in the middle of a race, "What the hell am I doing here?" Of course, when it's over, we conveniently forget that we asked ourselves that question. I think about it and a lot of reasons I don't know. Maybe to do something that brings you so close to the possibility of death and to survive it is to feel life and living so much more intensely.

Movie: Grand Prix
Jean-Pierre Sarti: Before you leave I want to tell you something. Not about the others, but about myself. I used to go to pieces. I'd see an accident like that and be so weak inside that I wanted to quit - stop the car and walk away. I could hardly make myself go past it. But I'm older now. When I see something really horrible, I put my foot down. Hard! Because I know that everyone else is lifting his.
Louise Frederickson: What a terrible way to win.
Jean-Pierre Sarti: No, there is no terrible way to win. There is only winning.

Movie: Grand Prix
Jean-Pierre Sarti: Well, I can see I'm not properly dressed for the occasion. I should be wearing something fashionable.
Louise Frederickson: Well, your driver's suit isn't bad. Maybe you could start a new style.
Jean-Pierre Sarti: Spun glass, form-fitting, waterproof, flameproof.

Movie: Grand Prix
Nino Barlini: [With a Japanese maiden on each arm] Hey, sayonara!
Scott Stoddard: My goodness, Nino, I thought they belonged to the Yamura boys.
Nino Barlini: I have them on temporary loan.
Pat Stoddard: Really, two of them?
Nino Barlini: They are very small. See you later, maybe!

Movie: Grand Prix