Glee Quote

Mercedes: Did you know New York City was built on top of Old York City?
Tina: I'm pretty sure that's not true.
Mercedes: Oh. I'm just pretty.
Finn: Hey.
Rachel: Hi! I'm surprised at how well Quinn is taking the breakup. I guess I was wrong about her being a vindictive harpy.
Finn: I guess she just accepted the inevitable.
Rachel: Or maybe she's just distracted by the awesomeness of New York! I know I am. Hey, do you know why it smells like it's wet here all the time?
Finn: Nope. So, what's going on with you and Jesse?
Rachel: I don't know, he keeps texting me but I told him that I don't want to talk to him until I get back; no boys or distractions until we win that trophy. [leaves]
Mr. Schuester: Hey Finn, where the hell's Puckerman?
Finn: Umm...[glances at Puck and Lauren]
Puck: I'll have a Manhattan.
Bartender: Do you even know what's in a Manhattan?
Puck: Yeah me, for the first time. Which is why I want to celebrate with a cocktail.

TV Show: Glee


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