Freakazoid! Quote

[Guitierrez tries to find Freakazoid's weakness, so he pulls a green rock out of his cloak]
Guitierrez: Behold, the purest Kryptonite. Feeling weak, my friend, oh so weak?
Freakazoid: That's Superman's weakness, not mine!
Guitierrez: Really?
Freakazoid: Yeah, duuuuuuhhh!
Guitierrez: Oh, that stupid man at the store! Well then, how about this! [pulls out a yellow pad of paper, and holds it in front of Freakazoid's face] Does the yellow hurt your eyes, my friend? Getting weak, oh so very weak?
Freakazoid: That's the Green Lantern!
Guitierrez: Oh, shoot! [throws it down] Then how 'bout some... [picks up a glass of water and throws it in Freakazoid's face] water in your face! Are you melting, melting, my friend?
Freakazoid: That's the Wicked Witch!
Guitierrez: Oh, we're wasting time. What is your weakness?
Freakazoid: Well...
[scene switch to Freakazoid in a cage]
Freakazoid: Dumb, dumb, dumb! Never tell the villain how to trap you in a cage!
Gutierrez: You probably shouldn't have helped us build it, either.
Freakazoid: I know! Dumb!
Guitierrez: So... graphite bars charged with negative ions. That is your weakness, eh?
Freakazoid: That, or poo gas.
Guitierrez: You know, it's a funny thing. Nobody likes poo gas, my friend. Blagh!

TV Show: Freakazoid!


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