Fences Quotes

Bono: I didn't know if I was gonna be in one place long enough to fix on 'em right as their daddy. I figured I was going searching, too.

Movie: Fences
Bono: They walk out their front door and take off down one road or another and just keep on walkin'. Just keep on walking till they come to something else. Ain't you never heard of nobody having the walking blues? Now, that's what you call it when you just take off like that.

Movie: Fences
Cory: Tell Mama I'll be back for my things.
Troy: They'll be on the other side of that fence!

Movie: Fences
Bono: I don't know about that Indian part, but she damn sure big and healthy. Woman wear some big stockings. [Troy laughs]
Bono: Got them crazy big 'ol legs and hips *wide* as a Mississippi river.

Movie: Fences
Troy: [to Cory]I don't care what nobody say. I'm the boss. You understand? I'm the boss around here. I do the only saying what counts.

Movie: Fences
[first lines] Bono: [riding their garbage truck job]Troy, you oughta stop that lyin'.
Troy: I ain't lyin'. The nigger had a watermelon this big. Talkin' about What watermelon, Mr. Rand? I liked to fell out... What watermelon, Mr. Rand? And it's sittin' there bigger than life.
Bono: What Mr. Rand said?
Troy: He said nuthin'. He figured the nigger too dumb to know he carryin' a watermelon, he wouldn't get no sense out of 'im. Trying to hide that great big watermelon under his coat. Afraid to let the white man see him carry it on.

Movie: Fences
Troy: [building a fence in their yard]What does she want to keep out? She doesn't have anything that others want.
Bono: Some build fences to keep people out. Others, to keep us in it. Rose wants to keep everyone together. She loves you.

Movie: Fences