Extras Quote

[as they pass the TV displays in the department store]
Maggie: Look, it's Greg in a film!
Andy: Oh, come on, we can't watch telly in the day.
Maggie: No, wait, I want to see! [the clip plays on, showing Greg dueling with Clive Owen] I love Clive Owen.
Andy: [scoffs] Clive. Good name for a film star. Clive...
Maggie: [as the clip ends and Jonathan Ross begins interviewing the actors] Greg seems good in it!
Andy: [shrugging] Bit part.
Ross: I'm joined by Clive Owen and Greg Lindley-Jones, the two leads in the film...
Maggie: He's one of the leads!
Andy: In a terrible film.
Ross: ...I thought the film was brilliant...
Maggie: He thought it was brilliant!
Andy: Oh, I can hear!

TV Show: Extras


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