Everest Quotes

Rob Hall: You, my friends, are following in the very footsteps of history...

Movie: Everest
Anatoli Boukreev: We don't need competition between people. There is competition between every person and this mountain. The last word always belongs to the mountain.

Movie: Everest
Scott Fischer: You know what they say, man. It's not the altitude, it's the attitude.

Movie: Everest
Doug Hansen: I'm climbing Mount Everest... because I can... because to be able to climb that high and see that kind of beauty that nobody ever sees, it'd be a crime not to.

Movie: Everest
Rob Hall: Something beyond the power of words to describe.

Movie: Everest
Rob Hall: Everest is another beast altogether.

Movie: Everest
Scott Fischer: Sit down man, acclimatize.

Movie: Everest
Rob Hall: Human beings simply aren't built to function at the cruising altitude of a 747. Okay, once we get above here, above the South Col, our bodies will be literally dying. And I mean literally dying. It's not called the Death Zone for nothing.

Movie: Everest
Rob Hall: Head down, one step at a time. That's how it is done.

Movie: Everest
Caroline MacKenzie: From a medical standpoint getting you to the top of Everest is really about oxygen. And the lack of it. To give you the best chance of summiting you need to prepare your bodies for the thin air up there.

Movie: Everest
Title Card: Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay became the first climbers to summit Everest. Over the next 40 years, only top professional climbers attempted the same feat. One in four died.
Title Card: 1992: New Zealander Rob Hall pioneered the concept of commercial guiding on Everest for amateur climbers. Over the next four years his team, Adventure Consultants, successfully led 19 clients to summit without a single fatality.
Title Card: 1996: Other commercial operators follow Rob Hall's lead, including Scott Fischer's Mountain Madness. More than 20 expeditions compete to summit Everest in the same two week window.

Movie: Everest
[first lines] Rob Hall: Can you just listen up? Guys? We got 2,000 feet, 600 vertical meters to Camp Four. It's roped all the way, so I know you can make it. Now, once we get to the yellow band we're gonna regroup, put on the masks, turn on the gas. Make sense?

Movie: Everest
Jon Krakauer: I've gotta ask the question and you know I do. Why?
Beck Weathers: Why? BECAUSE ITS THERE!

Movie: Everest
[last lines] Beck Weathers: Hi, Peachy.
Peach Weathers: [into his arms]Hey.
Beck Weathers: Thank you so much, darling.

Movie: Everest
Helen Wilton: That's the cooking tent, and over there is the toilet. It's a little bit drafty, but just remember that when the wind gets up here, you've got the same view that George Everest did.

Movie: Everest