Die Präsenz Quotes

Rebecca Winter: It wants to hurt us.

Movie: Die Präsenz
Markus Brehner: To this day there's no rational explanation for the events at Burg Hohnau: The nights were turned into nightmares by strange voices, the sound of footsteps, noises and objects moving of their own accord. They claimed that a spirit was living inside the castle, a supernatural being trying to harm them.

Movie: Die Präsenz
Lukas Schell: This is where the show went down: Here she killed her children. And just because the two cuties wanted to burn down the castle - with matches. She simply hurled the youngest one out the window.

Movie: Die Präsenz
Markus Brehner: Even though to this day poltergeist phenomena haven not been proven scientifically, one thing is certain: People are scared of them. In the past people were scared of magnetism and hypnosis. They saw them as witchcraft. As far as our castle is concerned, people are so scared that you won't find a single house within a radius of fifty miles.

Movie: Die Präsenz
Markus Brehner: During the fourth night of Advent the police precinct of Wernien received a distress call: A disfigured body had been found near Burg Hohnau. It was a six year old boy covered in blood lying in the snow in front of the castle.

Movie: Die Präsenz
Markus Brehner: The woman killed her husband right here in the cellar: the children in the tower, the husband here. A woman without any history of violence.

Movie: Die Präsenz
Markus Brehner: Poltergeist phenomena usually start out pretty subtle and are divided into four stages: Stage 1: the feeling that somebody is watching you, occurrence of strange noises. Stage 2: a drop in temperature in closed rooms, doors may suddenly slam or open by themselves. Stage 3: lights and appliances turn off and on. Stage 4: fires ignite spontaneously, dangerous objects fly at people. The poltergeist spreads terror and violence.

Movie: Die Präsenz