Non-Stop Quotes

[from trailer] Bill Marks: I hate flying. The lines. The crowds. The delays...
Jen Summers: I always kinda liked it. Six hours. One seat. Nobody can get to you.

Movie: Non-Stop
[from trailer] Bill Marks: Someone on this flight is threatening to kill someone every 20 minutes, unless $150 million is transferred to this account number.
David McMillan: We're midway across the Atlantic. How do you kill someone in a crowded plane and get away with it?

Movie: Non-Stop
[from trailer] Bill Marks: I'm not hijacking this plane. I'm trying to save it!

Movie: Non-Stop
Zack White: Hey, Bill! I'm getting off this plane.
Bill Marks: Am I in your way, asshole?

Movie: Non-Stop
Unidentified Texter: Are you ready to do your duty, Marshall?
Bill Marks: Who is this?
Unidentified Texter: One of your passengers.
Bill Marks: Breaching this network is a Federal offense.
Unidentified Texter: Smoking in the lavatory is also a Federal offense.

Movie: Non-Stop
[last lines] Bill Marks: So, where you headed?
Jen Summers: Mm, depends...

Movie: Non-Stop
Austin Reilly: [on a stretcher]Marshall!
Bill Marks: Reilly, you son of a gun.
Austin Reilly: Next time give me a loaded weapon.
Bill Marks: Next time don't get shot.
Austin Reilly: Deal.

Movie: Non-Stop
Bill Marks: Hey Reilly, sorry about the nose.
Austin Reilly: It was never my best feature.

Movie: Non-Stop
Agent Marenick: Agent Marks, I can't continue talking to you.
Bill Marks: What does that mean?
Agent Marenick: It means we will not negotiate with a terrorist.

Movie: Non-Stop
[from trailer] Fighter Pilot: Agent Marks, our fighter squad has you in our sights. Do you hear me?
Bill Marks: We're running out of time! Do you hear me?

Movie: Non-Stop
[from trailer] David McMillan: Agent Marks, the account number you gave us is in your name.
Bill Marks: What? That doesn't make any sense.

Movie: Non-Stop
[first lines] Bill Marks: [answering cell phone]Yeah. I know, I'm sorry. No, no, you can trust me. I'm fine. [plane approaching]
Bill Marks: What? I can't hear you. I can't hear you. [hangs up]

Movie: Non-Stop
Bill Marks: [about his daughter]She had a magic ribbon. Very powerful. It'll protect you, just like your daddy. Want to see it? I have it in my pocket. I carry it all the time. Here it is. Here. You wrap it around your hand, just like that. That's it, hold on to it now.
Becca: Are you bribing me?
Bill Marks: [smiles]Yes, I am.

Movie: Non-Stop
Bill Marks: You were military these were the people you swore to protect how can you justify doing this for your country
Zack White: I am doing this for my country I also know I'll be a hundred and fifty million dollars richer

Movie: Non-Stop
Austin Reilly: You gave me an unloaded weapon?

Movie: Non-Stop
Tom Bowen: [about national security]You, Bill. You are that lie.
Bill Marks: You should just have handed out pamphlets. It would have been a lot easier. [Bowen bashes Marks across the face, knocking him down]
Tom Bowen: You can't change the world with words, Bill, unless you write them on the evening news with blood.

Movie: Non-Stop