Desperate Housewives Quote

Bree: The photographer's asking if he can get shots of the two of us.
Katherine Mayfair: Wait. I need to talk to you first.
Bree: [Chuckles] I misunderstood the situation, that's all. Can we just leave it at that?
Katherine Mayfair: No, we can't. And do you know why? Because I thought things were going well. I was having fun with you. Obviously... *I* misunderstood. So tell me, was there a straw that broke the camel's back? Or were you planning on killing me all along?
Bree: Here's the thing you need to understand about me and my friends. We each have our niche. Gabrielle's the glamorous one, Susan's the adorable one, Lynette's smart, Edie's... Edie, and I am the domestic one, the organizer, the one that knows that there are three tines on a dessert fork. I'm the one who gets teased for that. That's who *I* am. And that's also who you are.
Katherine Mayfair: So?
Bree: So... I don't really know HOW to be friends with you.
Katherine Mayfair: That's a shame, because I understand you better than all those other women do. I know how following the rules and all observing those little graces make you feel like you're in control. We've both had days where it was either set a beautiful table or curl up in a ball and die. [Tears welling in her eyes]
Katherine Mayfair: We're the SAME, Bree. And if you think that means we can't be friends, then I'm sorry. But it might also mean we could be BEST friends.

TV Show: Desperate Housewives


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