Danger Bay Quotes

Cully: Bert?
Bert: Yeah?
Cully: [gazing skyward through blind eyes] Does that big old cedar still have an eagle's nest on top?
Bert: Yep, she's still there, Cully.
Cully: What about the mountains?
Bert: Yeah?
Cully: Is there still snow on 'em?
Bert: The mountains are still there. The snow's gone.
Cully: I guess it's still as beautiful as it ever was.
Bert: Yep.
Cully: I wish we still owned it, Bert.
Bert: Aw, it don't make much difference who owns the land, Cully. It's all on loan from the good Lord anyway, rich or poor.

Movie: Danger Bay
Jonah Roberts: So what are we going to do with the money?
Dr. Grant 'Doc' Roberts: I thought we could pay off the mortgage and buy some savings bonds.
Nicole Roberts: Savings bonds?
Jonah Roberts: Mortgage? No no no! We gotta do something really special with it. You deserve it. You owe it to yourself. Something like, uh ...
Nicole Roberts: A trip to Europe.
Jonah Roberts: A cigarette boat. Twin V-8. A spoiler. A nose that goes on forever.
Nicole Roberts: He doesn't want a stink pot. There's the sweetest little sloop for sale in the marina.
Jonah Roberts: Great - it takes a week to get across the harbour.
Nicole Roberts: What's your hurry?
Jonah Roberts: Dad's a busy man. He doesn't have time to sail.
Nicole Roberts: So you want the Environmentalist of the Year to drive around in a boat that pumps out his body weight in fossil carbons every hour?
Jonah Roberts: You're right. *I* better drive it.

Movie: Danger Bay