Control Quotes

Alex Shaw: I gotta get my girl.

Movie: Control
Andy's Brain: [Trying to impress a girl] What would someone cool and suave say?
Andy: Ants are fascinating [long pause]
Andy: sometimes.
Andy's Brain: Saved it!

Movie: Control
Annie Porter: This night seems almost too perfect.
Alex Shaw: Want me to step on your feet?
Annie Porter: You already did.
Alex Shaw: Oh, I mean again?

Movie: Control
George W. Bush: I was told early this morning that, perhaps, our troops were captured, and, if there is somebody captured, I expect those people to be treated humanely. Bill and then Mike.
Journalist: Iraqi TV has shown what appear to be American POWs and also what appear to be American dead.
George W. Bush: I expect them to be treated... The POWS I expect to be treated humanely and um uh just like we're treating the prisoners that we have captured humanely.

Movie: Control
Lee Ray Oliver: Don't you ever talk about my ****ing family ever again!

Movie: Control