Congo Quotes

Congo Bill: I think we have nothing else to discuss.
Zalea: We have this... [Zalea pulls out a pistol and points it at Congo Bill]
Congo Bill: Well, lady, you have quite an argument there.

Movie: Congo
Dr. Karen Ross: Why teach an ape to talk?
Dr. Peter Elliot: A lonely impulse of delight.
Dr. Karen Ross: William Butler Yates.
Dr. Peter Elliot: Very good.
Dr. Karen Ross: Did it work? You're not lonely anymore?
Dr. Peter Elliot: Why are *you* going to Africa?
Dr. Karen Ross: To find something I lost...

Movie: Congo
Eddie Ventro: Wow, a talking gorilla! I can feel the money hairs on the back of my neck going "WOO-WOO-WOO".

Movie: Congo
Eddie Ventro: Wow, a talking gorilla! I can feel the money hairs on the back of my neck going WOO-WOO-WOO.

Movie: Congo
Kleeg: Bocar, you misjudge me. You know I'm an easy-going man, honest and ready to help.
Andre Bocar: Mm-hmm - for a price.

Movie: Congo
Monroe: That region of the Congo's uninhabited.
Dr. Karen Ross: Well, something inhabits it.
Dr. Peter Elliot: What exactly did you see on that tape?
Dr. Karen Ross: A camp destroyed. People dead. A grey gorilla...
Dr. Peter Elliot: There's no such thing as a grey gorilla.
Dr. Karen Ross: Well, I saw one.
Dr. Peter Elliot: It's hard to believe at this late date...
Monroe: Why are you going in there?
Dr. Karen Ross: Two men are unaccounted for: Geoffrey Weams, and Charles Travis, my fiance... My FORMER fiance.
Monroe: Your former?
Dr. Peter Elliot: Well, we better get to him then.

Movie: Congo