Cluedo Quotes

Col. Mustard: [pulls a telephone cord out of the wall] You try making a phone call from here and I'll wrap this around your neck!

Movie: Cluedo
Miss Scarlett: I had an affair with Mr. Hall... [the others make noises of disgust]
Mrs. Peacock: Oh, not another one.
Proffessor Plum: Is there anyone you wouldn't have an affair with?
Miss Scarlett: You! And I wouldn't dream of it, either!

Movie: Cluedo
[Mrs. White is heard screaming in the background]
Mrs. Peacock: What was that? [Mrs. White enters, hysterical]
Mrs. White: He-He's dead!
Col. Mustard: Forrest?
Mrs. White: No! No!
Mrs. Peacock: Not Mr. Forrest? Then who?
Mrs. White: His chauffer! K-Ken! Ken's lying on the floor! And he's dead! Aaaahhh!

Movie: Cluedo
[Mrs. Peacock and Colonel Mustard's wedding ceremony]
Rev. Green: ...If anyone can share any just cause, why these two people should not be joined together, let him now speak, or else here after, forever hold his peace.
Jack Peacock: [Stands up] This whole thing's a farce!
Mrs. Peacock: Jack! Oh nooo!

Movie: Cluedo