Cheap Seats Quote

Annoucer: "Everyone loves watching Superdogs! Superjocks! right?"
Girls: "No!"
Annoucer: "Well now you can play it anytime you want. It's the Superdogs! Superjocks! Home Game."
Girl 2: "Awesome."
Annoucer: "You can choose to be your favorite Superjock."
Girl 2: "I don't want to be Steve Lundquist."
Girl 3: "I don't want to be Steve Lundquist either."
Annoucer: "Kids, no one wants to be Steve Lundquist, not even Steve Lundquist. That's why every game comes with an extra Mike Conley, in his swimming attire."
Girl 1: "Wow, is that real Spandex?"
Annoucer: "It sure is and it smells like him too."
(Girl 1 sniffs)
Annoucer: "The rules are simple. Each player is dealt five cards from the yellow deck. Then the player sitting second closest to the yellow deck rolls three dice. Move the amount of spaces equal to the side of the red die facing away from you. If the total on your next roll is less than the age of your dog in human years, times two, you earn the right to draw two happenstance cards from the Doggie Deck. Move five spots if you draw a Willie Gault card, but if your other card is a Loch Ness Boombox, it cancels your move and lets other players rub your dog's nose in it. It's that easy! Superdogs! Superjocks!: The Home Game. Guaranteed to be a whole lot of dog gone fun. Cards, dice, board sold seperately, dogs not included."

TV Show: Cheap Seats


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