Charmed Quote

Future Evil Wyatt: (to little Wyatt) You see that book over there? Want you bring it to me? Understand...
Little Wyatt (starts to walk towards the Book. Out from the shadows, Leo steps out and walks over to Little Wyatt.)
Future Evil Wyatt: Come on, Dad. You don't even have any powers.
Leo: (smiles) That's right, I don't.
Future Evil Wyatt: So what are you gonna do? Take away my cookies?
Leo: I don't need to do anything. You're gonna stop yourself.
Future Evil Wyatt: That's what I always loved about you, Dad. Such a boundless optimist.
Leo: I know you. I'm your father and I know you still have good in your heart.
Future Evil Wyatt: Now your optimism just sounds pathetic.

TV Show: Charmed


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