Cashmere Mafia Quote

Alicia Lawson: Look, if you're not into this, if you've had a change of heart...
Caitlin Dowd: I haven't, I haven't!
Alicia Lawson: Good, because I like you, little that I know you. But I'm not your lesbian test drive.
Caitlin Dowd: OK, time out. Honestly? I have been stressed out of my mind with the usual work stuff, and this blog thing, and us.
Alicia Lawson: Us? If this is stressing you out, then what are we even...
Caitlin Dowd: No, the thing is, I get like this. And I need you to hang with it. I'm not stressing out because I'm gay or I'm straight. I don't really care if I'm gay or I'm straight. I just... I need to be in control of my life and this past week, I haven't been. OK? I really want to kiss you right now. [points to the pimple on her forehead]
Caitlin Dowd: Is this zit going to be a problem?
Alicia Lawson: Not if I'm too close to see it.

Movie: Cashmere Mafia


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