Carmen - A Hip Hopera Quotes

Blaze: Hello, I'm Blaze. But my friends call me Case... [Carmen cuts him off]
Carmen: I know who you are. I'm Carmen.
Blaze: Nice to meet you.
Carmen: Nice to meet you.
Blaze: So what's a fine lady like you doing in Philly? Small town masquerading as a big city.
Carmen: I won't be here for long. See I have dreams... plans.
Blaze: I wanna hear about 'em.
Carmen: [sucks teeth] Pssh. No, you don't.
Blaze: No, really. I'm interested.
Carmen: Really? [Blaze nods, Carmen puts down drink]
Carmen: Okay. I want to move to LA. I want to be an actress, a star. I want my own movies, my own TV show, my own sitcom. [laughs.]
Blaze: [Looks up and gestures lights shining.] I can see your name in lights already, like...
Carmen: [Sucks teeth] Don't patronize me. [Gets up and leaves. Blaze grabs her. She looks at her arm then him as if to say 'get off'.]

TV Show: Carmen - A Hip Hopera