Buffy the Vampire Slayer Quote

Faith: Guy looks at me, let's just say his priorities... shift.
Robin: Why, because you're so hot?
Faith: Is what it is, yo.
Robin: Oh, please! I am so much prettier than you are. Oh, and, uh, for the record, our little encounter didn't exactly change my world.
Faith: [stops grinning] You're trippin'! That was rock 'em, sock 'em!
Robin: No, no, no, no! It was, it was nice enough, you know, and-and you're, you're very, um, um, enthused, and, I think with a little more experience, you—
Faith: Dude, I got mad skills!
Robin: Yeah, of course. Let's finish up.
Faith: [takes off her belt] Oh, hell with that! We're going again, baby. You're gonna learn a little respect here, pal.
Robin: Faith, [laughs] make me a deal, all right? We live through this, you give me the chance to surprise you.
Faith: What would be the surprise?
Robin: You... do know the meaning of the word, right?
Faith: Fine. Deal.
Robin: Good enough. [goes back to work]
Faith: No way you're prettier than me.
Robin: Little bit, yeah.

TV Show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer


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