Bitter Harvest Quotes

Jolene: I took my birth control pill with vodka and went to bed.

Movie: Bitter Harvest
Title card: [at the end of the film]
Title card: Only a few made their way past Stalin's border guards and escaped to freedom. The genocidal famine created by the Soviets in 1932/33 is known today as the Holodomor - Death by Starvation. The full horror of this deliberate policy of genocide towards Ukraine was revealed only after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. In 2003, Russia signed a U.N. declaration confirming that the Holodomor had taken the lives of between 7 and 10 million innocent people. Today, the Holodomor is recognized as one of the great crimes against humanity.

Movie: Bitter Harvest
[First lines] Yuri: [Voice over]Across the ages it has been called many things: the border lands, the wild fields, the bread basket of Europe. But since I was a boy, Ukraine was simply home. Even as we dreamed of freedom from the Russian tsar, life went on as it always had, moving to the rhythm of the seasons, waxing and waning in the eternal cycle of seeding and ploughing and reaping. A life of hard work and small pleasures.

Movie: Bitter Harvest
Yuri: [Voice over]My Ukraine was a world where legend lived and anything was possible.

Movie: Bitter Harvest
[Last spoken lines, repeated line] Yuri: [Voice over]My name is Yuri Kachanyuk, the son of Yaroslav Kachanyuk and the grandson of the famous warrior Ivan Kachanyuk. Before I grew up and learned that the dragons were real and evil roamed the world. I fell in love.

Movie: Bitter Harvest