Billionaire Boys Club Quote

Ron Levin: I had been working at Rothschild for a year. When suddenly I found myself thrown in front of a discipline committee and was forced to defend myself. And... I had nothing. 21 stories and none of them good. So I came clean.
Joe Hunt: They take your license?
Ron Levin: No, I mean they could have, they should have, but no. Because what I was doing wasn't illegal... yet. I was ahead of the law. I mean, it was unethical and corrupt. Immoral if you believe in that sort of thing. But it wasn't illegal, so they had nothing. So guess what they did. They asked me to write the code to prohibit the kind of trading that I had been doing. How brilliant is that? That hearing made me with the SEC. And I realized that day... sometimes the truth is the best lie.

Movie: Billionaire Boys Club


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