Bachelor Father Quotes

Bentley Gregg: Howard, there must be some team that you can make.
Howard Meechim: Yeah, but who wants to play girl's field hockey?

TV Show: Bachelor Father
Kelly Gregg: Couldn't we sue her before she sues us?
Bentley Gregg: Darling, you've been around a lawyer long enough to know that you don't sue anybody, unless it's absolutely necessary. A very wise man once said, "Never trouble trouble, 'til trouble troubles you, or you only make your trouble double-trouble, when you do."

TV Show: Bachelor Father
Peter Tong: I dream of delicate flower, the mother of my sons, to carry on the name of Tong. And what walks in? Miss Chicken Fat of 1955.

TV Show: Bachelor Father
[opening narration]
Bentley Gregg: Bachelors are a notoriously tricky lot; they have to be to stay that way. I know, because I'm a bachelor, myself. But the trickiest, slipperiest, sneakiest of all is my good friend, Chuck Forrest.

TV Show: Bachelor Father
[opening narration]
Bentley Gregg: Saturday night is dance night in the Gregg household. Now, on this particular night, Kelly and I were going our separate ways - me to a black tie affair at the Beverly Hilton - Kelly to a dance at her school.

TV Show: Bachelor Father