Arisen Quotes

Meredith Walker: Judas, why haven't you fallen asleep? You know what Santa said, only good boys who follow the rules get presents.
Young Judas Gains: I'm sad Miss Meredith.
Meredith Walker: Judas sweetie, are the other kids teasing you?
Young Judas Gains: All the other kids get visits and nobody comes to visit me, why?

Movie: Arisen
Lisa Walker: This is it Roche, I have nothing else to live for.
Rochelle Mancini: Don't let Ryan's words get to you. He doesn't know what you've been through.
Lisa Walker: I'm so scared Roche, I don't know what to do anymore. They are going to lock me away.
Rochelle Mancini: They're not going to lock you away. Not over my dead body.
Lisa Walker: This is not Matthew. He wouldn't do this.
Rochelle Mancini: I know.

Movie: Arisen