Aqua Teen Hunger Force Quote

Master Shake: [dragging a ridiculously long box into the house] Hey, Meatwad! Your birthday rabbit came!
Meatwad: Well, where is it? Lemme see! Wow... must be a really big bunny!
Master Shake: Sure is! [grunts and struggles to get the box inside]
Meatwad: Hurry up! I ain't got all day!
Master Shake: [stops andstarts pushing the box back outside] No. No, I don't think so...
Meatwad: Hey, now! Wait a minute!
Master Shake: ...because you seem to think I'm some kind of slave now, is that it?
Meatwad: I'm sorry, you can bring the bunny rabbit in here. Now, I need it!
Master Shake: And you can have it! It's *your* snake!
Meatwad: [pause] My snake? But...
Master Shake: Snake...
Meatwad: But you said you got me a rabbit.
Master Shake: ...rabbit. Yes, well... why don't you look inside the box first instead of flying off the handle like this?
Meatwad: [opens box and a snake slithers out] That ain't no damn bunny rabbit!
Master Shake: Well, whaddya know? It's a snake!

TV Show: Aqua Teen Hunger Force


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